This is the page for all my resources and documents for the book of Deuteronomy. The first section contains documents that survey the entire book. The second section contains links to a survey video for the book from the Old Testament Survey course. The next section is broken down by each passage in a general outline of the book. Click the label of any passage to expand for access to documents and information about each individual passage. Feel free to use and distribute any information you find helpful as long as you give credit where appropriate.
General Documents
Survey Video
Individual Passages
Click on each passage to expand for more or less information
1:1-5 Introduction
1:6-4:43 Moses' First Speech
    1:6-18 Review of History: Preparation to Leave Sinai
    1:19-46 Review of History: Unbelief at Kadesh
    2:1-3:29 Review of History: 40 Year Wanderings
    4:1-40 Lessons from History
    4:41-43 Review of History: Cities of Refuge
4:44-26:19 Moses' Second Speech
4:44-11:32 General Principles
4:44-6:25 Law and Shema
7:1-8:20 Don't Forget God
9:1-10:11 Remember Your Rebellion
  • 9:1-6 God Will Give the Land from Wicked Nations
  • 9:7-21 Remember Your Idolatry & Unfaithfulness
  • 9:22-29 Remember Your Unbelief & Rebellion
  • 10:1-11 Remember Your Unbelief & Rebellion
10:12-11:32 Love and Fear God
12:1-26:19 Specific Application of the General Principles
12:1-13:18 Beware Idolatry
  • 12:1-7 Do Not Worship Like the Nations
  • 12:8-28 Laws for Sacrifice and Animal Butchery
  • 12:29-32 Do Not Worship Like the Nations
  • 13:1-5 Don't Let a "Prophet" Entice You to False gods
  • 13:6-11 Don't Let Your Family Entice You to False gods
  • 13:12-18 Don't Let Society Entice You to False gods
14:1-15:23 Dedication to God
16:1-17 Celebrating God
16:18-19:21 Just Leadership
20:1-20 Just War
21:1-22:30 Justice in Community
23:1-25 Purity in Community
24:1-25:19 Justice in Community
  • 24:1-22 Treating Others Justly and Graciously
  • 25:1-19 Equity and Justice in Judgment
26:1-15 Righteousness in Giving
26:16-19 Summary: Obey God
27:1-30:20 Moses' Third Speech
27:1-28:68 Blessings and Curses
29:1-29 Covenant Renewal
30:1-20 Choose Life, not Death
  • 30:1-10 Promise of Blessing and Restoration
  • 30:11-20 Choose the LORD, to choose life
31:1-34:12 Appendix
31:1-8 Transfer of Leadership
31:9-13 Provisions for Reading the Law
31:14-29 Rebellion Predicted
31:30-32:47 Song of Moses
32:48-52 Prediction of Moses' Death
33:1-29 Moses Blesses the Tribes
34:1-12 The Death of Moses