This is the page for all my resources and documents for the book of Judges. The first section contains documents that survey the entire book. The second section contains links to a survey video for the book from the Old Testament Survey course. The next section is broken down by each passage in a general outline of the book. Click the label of any passage to expand for access to documents and information about each individual passage. Feel free to use and distribute any information you find helpful as long as you give credit where appropriate.
General Documents
Survey Video
Individual Passages
Click on each passage to expand for more or less information
1:1-3:6 Introduction
  • 1:1-2:5 Failure to Complete the Conquest
  • 2:6-3:6 Unfaithful to the Covenant
3:7-16:31 Cycle of Judges
3:7-31 Early Judges
4:1-5:31 Barak (Deborah)
  • 4:1-24 Barak (Deborah) Prose
  • 5:1-31 Barak (Deborah) Poetic
6:1-8:32 Gideon
  • 6:1-6 Gideon: Midian Conquers Israel
  • 6:7-10 Gideon: A Prophet Rebukes Israel
  • 6:11-24 Gideon: The Call of Gideon
  • 6:25-32 Gideon: God's War Against Idolatry
  • 6:33-40 Gideon: Gideon Gathers an Army
  • 7:1-25 Gideon: Gideon Routs the Midianites
  • 8:1-21 Gideon: Gideon Finishes His Enemies
  • 8:22-32 Gideon: Gideon Fails While Succeeding
8:33-9:57 Abimelech
  • 8:33-9:6 Abimelech: Sin and Oppression
  • 9:7-21 Abimelech: Jotham's Fable
  • 9:22-57 Abimelech: Shechem & Abimelech Destroy Each Other
10:1-5 Tola & Jair
  • 10:1-5 Tola & Jair
10:6-12:7 Jephthah
  • 10:6-16 Jephthah: Sin, Oppression and Rebuke
  • 10:17-11:11 Jephthah: Search for a Leader
  • 11:12-28 Jephthah: Challenge to the Enemy
  • 11:29-33 Jephthah: The Battle
  • 11:34-12:7 Jephthah: Postscript
12:8-15 Later Judges
  • 12:8-15 Ibzan, Elon & Abdon
13:1-16:31 Samson
17:1-21:25 Total Apostasy
17:1-18:31 Micah & the Danites Commit Idolatry
  • 17:1-13 Micah Makes an Idol
  • 18:1-31 The Danites Steal the Idol and Capture Dan
19:1-21:25 The Near Destruction of Benjamin
  • 19:1-29 A Levite's Concubine is Killed by Gibeonites
  • 20:1-48 The Israelites Destroy Benjamin (almost)
  • 21:1-25 Destruction of an Israelite City